Saturday, October 1, 2011

"Courageous" - My Thoughts On the Movie

Today, I saw Courageous with my family and my youth group. I was so pleasantly surprised. Normally, Christian movies all have the same plot line: individual struggling with career/marriage, then they accept Christ, then the individual gets the perfect life in the end. This plot structure doesn't sit well with me at all. Living a Christian life doesn't mean that good things are always going to happen, it just means the you will still have joy. Courageous, however, was the most realistic Christian movie I've seen so far.

This movie is great not only for married men with children, but also for young men and young women. For young men, it gives sets the example of godly fathers and husbands. Sure, we all have our weaknesses and obstacles, but with God's help, there's always a way out. (And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. -1Corinthians 10:13).

God has given men a huge responsibility. Not only are you to conduct yourself in a godly and righteous manner, but it is your task to make certain that your household is doing the same. Men are designed to be the protectors and the leaders. This movie did a fantastic job of showing the standard that God has placed on men and the types of fathers and husbands they are commanded to be.

This movie is also great for women because it sets the example of what type of man you should seek. Women: when you are dating a guy, it's important to understand that that guy could be your potential husband: the potential father of your children. Colssians 3:18 says that wives who belong to the Lord must submit themselves to their husbands. The verse does not have any if's, and's, or but's. This is why you have to be careful with who you put as your head. You MUST choose carefully on who you will submit to. Remember that a man cannot show you or your children Christ-like love if he hasn't experienced God's love. (Same concept goes for you too, ladies!)

Overall, this movie was fantastic. It was funny, tragic, and realistic. I'm sure there is atleast one character you will be able to relate to. I encourage everyone to go see this film and take something away with it.

-Taleen Afsharian

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