Friday, September 30, 2011

Know Your Worth

Females are completely emotional. There's nothing wrong with that, it's the way God has programmed us! However, it's not easy AT ALL. Especially when you're going through that transition from childhood to adulthood. Our hormones are bouncing off the walls and we're not quite sure what's "normal." My biggest challenge during this awkward transition is finding who I am. What kind of person do I want to be?

Being a teenage girl is a pretty tough thing to be. We constantly need people's assurances to find our identities. For some girls, our identity is parallel to our achievments. "Honor Roll, Prom Queen, Head-Cheerleader, etc..." For other girls, our identities may be defined by boys. Just a helpful thought, no boy can ever define your worth, and you shouldn't let him. Our identities are not found within our accomplishments, mistakes, friends, families, or boys. Our identities are manifested through God and His Word.
Crazy, isn't it? That through One Word, and One God, we each find our own unique identities. It's amazing!Never let anyone lower your worth or give you an identity. That kind of power only belongs to God. And why would you want it in anyone's hands but His! He knows you best because you are His creation. Sometimes, I feel like my mom knows me better than I know myself. Of course she does! She's the one who gave birth to me! So how much more would the Creator know about me! Psalm 139: 13 says For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
As teenage girls, we often feel like we need the assurance of friends and boys to know that what we're doing is "acceptable" or "normal." However, we must realize that the Almighty thinks we're to die for. He sees our worth even when we don't see it. He loves us so much and regardless of what we do, that's never going to change.

Taleen Afsharian

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