Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Odor of Judgment

Judgment is an ugly thing. "Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters." --Romans 14:1

So many times I've seen this happen: A new girl walks into youth group on a Friday night, most probably her first encounter with Christians in church. Instead of seizing this opportunity to meet a potential sister in Christ, we see girls whispering in the corners, "Do you see what she's wearing?" "Look at her hair" etc...

We must realize that people aren't born with spiritual maturity. When you're a baby, it would be absurd for an adult to whisper to those around him saying, "Wow, look how lazy that baby is! She can't even prepare her own bottle." It's just as absurd when a new girl walks into church for the first time and believers are standing around talking about how short her skirt is.

"...if judgment looms under every steeple with lofty glances from lofty people..." My Brothers and sisters, this should not be. "Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor." --Romans 12:10
Showing love to others should not be a chore for us as believers. We shouldn't have to remind ourselves to love eachother with brotherly affection or to outdo one another in showing honor. It should be of our second nature; the obvious and more natural thing to do.

My challenge for all of us, beginning with myself, is this: next time a new person walks into church or youth group, let us push back the urge of judging them by their diction or fashion sense, but let us look past the exterior and see their souls.

You could be the very fragrance of Jesus Christ: drawing them in to experience this crazy love of God...Or, you could be the odor of self-righteousness and judgment.

It's your choice.

--Taleen Afsharian

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